Monday, January 2, 2012


We need you to have the mentality of faking it to you make it You are going to be in a strict mindset of being the man or woman you wish to be. If your goal is to be a billionaire you are going to need to figure out how you as a billionaire thinks, operates, and looks.

Why put on the blinders? Because there are going to be a lot of naysayers and disbelievers. Only you have the vision for something that is truly life defining. Maybe your suit isn't as expensive, maybe you don't speak as well as you should, whatever the case you need to LOOK and more importantly FEEL like you deserve to be in the same room with your competition or deserve to manage staff members who may have achieved a higher level of education than you. Psychology study shows that over 50% of the way we view ourselves is through how other people perceive us. If you are constantly told that you aren't qualified eventually you will tell yourself and others that you are not qualified.


When the goal is to finish ahead of the pack, blinders keep a race horse from veering off course by seeing whats going on all around him. Keep yours on if you want to finish the race.

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