Monday, January 2, 2012


Anyone can be motivated to begin the challenging path to actualize the fulfillment's of a truly life defining moment. It takes mental toughness to put in the work day in and day out.

 People get so down on themselves about the gifts they were given. They are so quick to put themselves down because they aren't as quick, smart or strong. What they don't realize is that the successful people they admire have put in long relentless hours of work. What we see are the magazine articles and TV specials that don't speak about the work, the downs, their flaws and mental toughness it takes to conquer the trials that come with failing.

When athlete specialists were attempting to determine what factors led to Michael Phelps becoming the first athlete to win 8 gold medals in the Olympics, they came up with a number of considerations to his success. They said it was the because of his calorie intake which allowed him to have sustained energy throughout his workouts. They said that it was his double jointed shoulders and long arms. They came up with many suggestions. What they failed to attribute was his relentless work ethic which came from having top level mental toughness.

Your mental toughness will allow for sustained work ethic which separates those who put in the work from those that rely on talent.

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