Monday, January 2, 2012


Before you can continue further with this program and waste your energy, you need to ask yourself how much achieving your goals MEANS YO YOU.
Here are some general questions that will help you determine how important achieving life defining achievement. Take 30 minutes to yourself and if you have to, write down the questions and answers. Whenever things get tough, think about what this means to you.
  • On a scale of 1-10 how bad do I want?
  • How important is it that I get out of debt?
  • Do I aspire to achieve something great, do I want to be remembered when I die?
  • Is starting that company I've always talked about really that important to me?
  • What am I willing to give up?
  • Are friendships more important?
  • Is keeping my relationship more important?
  • Am I afraid others will dislike who I am going to be?
  • How much of an impact will my success have on my families life?

Motivational speaker Eric Thomas speaks to sports teams, entrepreneurs, troubled youth and educators. Watch this short clips then schedule 20-30 minutes of solitude to decide if you really want to do what it takes.

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