Saturday, January 7, 2012

"I cant afford it" vs. "How can I afford it"

Poor people say "I cant afford it." Rich people say "How can I afford it." The first causes you to to stop thinking while the other requires critical thinking and practice of a varaity of ways to get what you want. 

Robert Kiyosaki's Rich Dad Poor Dad is a must have. In this quick read, Kiyosaki will teach you how to become rich, why investing isnt risky and much more. But most importantly Kiyosaki teaches you how to understand money, accumulate assets and create a millionare's style portfolio. The federal reserve system and the value of money are the type of key points he hits on in his book.

1 comment:

  1. "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" Is a great book! I think what it helped me with the most is my view on money and how I can make my money without working for my money.
