Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Awards vs. Rewards

A very hard working housing consultant was promoted to the marketing manager of the property he worked for. Nearly a year later he was then offered, and he accepted, a position as the marketing manager for all of the companies real estate and an opportunity to share vice president duties because the vice president had announced his retirement from a banquet. An award ceremony was set for the announcement and following the announcement of the former V.P leaving was to take place. After all of the awards had been given out, the wife of the promoted marketing manager began to question why the promoted marketing manager had not received any awards. She wondered how much he was appreciated and whether the bosses actually liked him. He gave her a very interesting and penetrating answer. He said "That's because I already got a reward, I don't need any awards."

Such an answer needs to be understood and examined by employees everywhere. In assessment of those who received awards, it became apparent that most of those who received an award were employees that had been with the company for an extended amount of time.

Awards are merely plaques or certificates which may come with a gift card. As an employee, rewards count more than awards. If you are constantly receiving praise or awards, then you need to find out where is your missing reward. Awards should be a major red flag that the company is putting a carrot in front of your work performance to continually work harder without putting any effort or money into providing well deserved benefits for your hard work. Understand your value and use it as leverage to quit receiving awards and earn a reward.

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